Heart to Heart:

Grief support group for partner loss

As a widow, I am a human being who deeply gets it because I have been where you are…I also had to unwillingly physically part with the person I never wanted to live without. I also had my heart broken open and shattered by the death of the person I love more than I will ever be able to put into words because they will always fall short. I truly understand the devastation that seems invisible to the world but for those of us who know that pain, It can be all-consuming to the depth of our core. Grief is as unique as our fingerprint and even though we are each on our own unique grief journey, I understand how you feel.

In a world that expects you to by-pass your emotions and hurry up and “move on and live life”, this is a space where you can slow down. Where you can tell your story of love and loss, talk about your person and have your grief beautifully witnessed and held.  Where you won’t have society’s pressure making you feel like you should be anywhere other than exactly where you are.

in Heart to Heart, we will work together live weekly on zoom, in a beautiful, safe and supportive space we will create together, to honor your heart and your grief. Both are sacred to me.

Here’s what we will cover during our 12 weeks together:

Weeks 1 & 2

The first two weeks will be the start of co-creating a comfortable space where you feel safe to introduce yourself and your person to the group as well as sharing your love story and the parts of your grief you feel comfortable sharing.

Weeks 3 & 4

We continue introductions, learn about a method which details my approach to grief work and discuss self-love and self-care in the context of grief. What it looks like after a profound loss and how our needs change.

Building a self-care tool kit/techniques we can access any time we need to, but especially on the extra heavy days.

Upcoming holidays: How to prepare and ways to cope.

Weeks 5 & 6

Boundaries! What are they truly?

How to set them and uphold them.

Changes: Internal changes, what you value and how so much of that changes, what’s important to you now, perspective changes, mourning the old version of you/who you were while adjusting to a new normal.

Honoring your needs and continued support through the upcoming holidays.

Weeks 7 & 8

Continued conversation and support around the holiday season and coping with family relational changes which leads us into Secondary losses

Conversation around all the different types of losses we experience within our profound loss such as loss of Identity, loss of connection with partner’s family members and friendships/connections, loss of companionship, loss of financial support, loss of your future together, loss of purpose, loss of faith and support systems and much more.

Weeks 9 & 10

Being WITH your emotions: giving language to the MANY overwhelming emotions that come up during your grief journey such as anger, guilt, regret, anxiety, shame, and sadness to name a few.

Navigating and processing emotions while creating a healthy relationship with them. We are not our emotions and they are not the enemy. Once we learn to be with our emotions, feel them and see them trough a different lens than we are used to or told to, they become more manageable one incremental step at a time.

Week 11

Owning your grief: The world will tell you what the right way to grieve is, when it’s “time” for this or that, what you should or shouldn’t do, etc. Well, we will draw a big X on that and define YOUR own version of a path forward from here on out WITH your grief, your love and a continued bond with your person.

Ways to normalize grief within yourself and in turn, around you.

Week 12

Closing ceremony to honor you, your person and our time together.

Heart to Heart will support you with:

Twelve live weekly 90 minute sessions through zoom

A compassionate and intimate space to share your grief within a safe community of like-minded souls where you won’t have to mask your pain or play pretend.

Tools to process many overwhelming emotions such as guilt, anger, anxiety, hopelessness, racing thoughts, disconnection from yourself and the world, fear of the future and more.

Coping with and processing the upcoming holidays together.

Guided meditations, journal prompts and exercises to connect with your inner wisdom.

Private chat for group members where you will have my support and each other’s, in between each week during our time together.

By the end of our twelve weeks together you will have:

A compassionate relationship with your pain,

A community of strangers turned friends through a beautifully deep bond formed in our safe, co-created space

Guilt-free clear and defined boundaries and how to uphold them

A deeper connection to your inner knowing and how you relate to your grief

Self-trust and self-love as a guide through your grief journey

Tools to help you integrate your grief in your day to day

Connectedness to yourself and living with the duality and complexities of grief

Language to put to your emotions and effectively move through them and the grief waves

True ownership of your grief and a journey that will ALWAYS honor and include your person

If Heart to Heart sounds aligned with you, join now and take the first step towards compassionate grief support. It is my honor to walk alongside you.

Sign up options below:

Program FAQ’S:

What is the schedule for the sessions?

Sessions will be held live via Zoom:

  • Tuesday evenings at 7;30pm – 9:00pm Eastern Standard Time

  • March 25th, 2025 - June 10th, 202r

What is the size of the group?

The space is limited to a max of 12 women.

If I decide to drop out during the program, will a refund be issued?

For the integrity of the program and to ensure a supportive experience for the group, Unfortunately I cannot issue a refund. As this is an investment in yourself, please make sure that you are committed to participating before joining.  If you have any questions or concerns that you would like to go over before joining, please contact me at kat@griefembracedwithlove.com and I would be happy to chat with you. 

Will there be a recording of the calls if I can’t attend?

As long as every group member agrees, yes! I will upload the recording of the session to a platform you can access anytime.  I understand that of course, life happens, and things come up however, I highly encourage you to attend the sessions live to cultivate community and connection and for you to benefit as much as possible from our time together.  

If I want more personalized support, can I add on private grief support too?

Yes! If you would like to continue your healing work once the program ends or along with it, as a member of the program you would get a discounted rate/package and together we will create a plan that best supports you.